教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:安藤 京介(物性理論)
題目:Machine learning analysis of Fully Frustrated XY Model (FFXY) in two-dimensional square lattice
概要: The recent remarkable development of artificial neural networks in image recognition, image classification, and natural language processing has influenced many scientific fields, and the search for new discoveries by applying this technology to any problem has begun. In the field of classical statistical physics, machine learning algorithms were introduced to identify symmetry-broken phase [1-3], and in some of these cases neural networks were shown to be able to learn order parameters and other thermodynamic parameters [1,3]. Having been able to apply machine learning techniques to conventional phase transitions, it is natural to ask whether the algorithm can be applied to unconventional phase transitions. As an example of such a system, we focus on the 2D Fully Frustrated XY Model (FFXY) [4]. The FFXY model has an Ising model-like transition and an XY model-like transition.
The purpose of this study is to see if machine learning algorithms trained by the XY and Ising models can detect phase transitions for the two-dimensional square lattice FFXY model. The two neural networks used were trained from the spin configuration of the Ising model and the vortex configuration of the XY model. The FFXY model detects vortices from spin configurations obtained from Monte Carlo simulations, and inputs them to the learning model.
[1] J. Carrasquilla and R. G. Melko, Nat. Phys. 13, 431 (2017).
[2] E. P. L. van Nieuwenburg, Y.-H. Liu, and S. D. Huber, Nat. Phys.13, 435 (2017).
[3] S. J. Wetzel and M. Scherzer, Phys. Rev. B 96, 184410 (2017).
[4] Stephen Teitel, 40 Years of Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless Theory (World Scientific), pp. 201-235 (2013).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:宮井 誠一郎(量子多体)
題目:Toward an analysis of correlation propagation in the Bose-Hubbard model with dipole-dipole interactions
概要:Rapid technological advances in preparing and manipulating cold atoms have offered unique opportunities for studies of non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems. One of the fundamental questions to be addressed is how correlations propagate in these systems. Specifically, such correlation propagation dynamics have been analyzed in experiments with Bose gases in optical lattices [1,2], which can be well described by the Bose-Hubbard model. Moreover, quantum simulations including long-range interactions such as atoms with strong magnetic dipole-dipole interactions, Rydberg atoms, and cold polar molecules have recently been developed [3,4,5,6]. These experiments have opened up new possibilities for studying effects of the long-range interactions on correlation propagation dynamics. In this work, we aim to theoretically investigate correlation spreading in the Bose-Hubbard model with dipole-dipole interactions using the linear spin-wave theory (LSWT) [7]. In this presentation, we will review analyses using the unconstrained fermion approximation [8] in order to gain analytical insights on the correlation propagation in the Bose-Hubbard model. We also review calculations of dispersion relations of quasi-particle excitations based on the LSWT both in the absence [7] and presence [9] of the nearest-neighbor interaction.
[1] M. Cheneau et al., Nature, 481,487 (2012).
[2] Y. Takasu et al., Science Advances 6, eaba9255 (2020).
[3] S. Baier et al., Science 352, 201(2016).
[4] L. Su et al., Nature 622, 724 (2023).
[5] S. Ebadi et al., Nature 595, 227 (2021).
[6] J. S. Rosenberg et al., Nature Physics 18, 1062 (2022).
[7] S. D. Huber et al., Phys. Rev. B 75, 085106 (2007).
[8] P. Barmettler et al., Phys. Rev. A 85, 053625 (2012).
[9] D. L. Kovrizhin et al., Europhys. Lett. 72, 162 (2005).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:小久保 治哉(物性理論)
題目:Critical velocity in a superfluid wake behind a plate-shaped obstacle
概要:When an obstacle potential moves within a superfluid at speeds exceeding the critical velocity, quantum vortices are generated. It is well known that this critical velocity depends strongly on the shape of the obstacle [1-2]. In this study, we investigate the critical velocity for quantum vortex formation around a plate-shaped obstacle moving within a uniform Bose-Einstein condensate. Numerical calculations based on the Gross-Pitaevskii theory reveal that the critical velocity decreases as the plate size increases, showing proportionality to $L^{-1/2}$ for large obstacles. Additionally, we find that smaller plate sizes deviate from this power law. We show that this numerical result is reproduced by applying perturbation analysis that incorporates compressibility into potential flow theory [3].
[1]Woo Jin Kwonet al., Phys. Rev. A 91, 053615 (2015)
[2]Haneul Kwak, Jong Heum Jung, and Y. Shin, Phys. Rev. A 107, 023310 (2023)
[3]Sergio Rica, Physica D : Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 148, Issues 3–4 (2001)
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:植田 健太(量子多体)
題目:Anomalous tunneling of spin-wave excitations in a ferromagnetic XY model
概要:We study tunneling properties of low-energy excitations through a potential barrier in a spin-1/2 ferromagnetic XY model, which has been realized in an optical-tweezers-arrayed-Rydberg-atomic-system with dipole-dipole interactions [1]. This system is in the U(1) symmetry breaking phase. It is known that low-energy excitations in systems with spontaneous breaking of the U(1) symmetry and short-range interaction exhibit anomalous tunneling behavior, in which the transmission probability increases with decreasing the excitation energy and the barrier is completely transparent at the zero-energy limit [2].
We aim to explore how the long-range-nature of the dipole-dipole interaction affects such tunneling properties of the low-energy excitations. Specifically, within a mean field theory, we numerically calculate the transmission probability as a function of the excitation energy [3][4], revealing that the anomalous tunneling occurs in the present system. We also find physical properties specific to the long-range interactions, i.e., the power law behavior of the reflection probability and the half width of the zero-energy peak in the transmission probability with the power specific to the long-range interactions.
[1] C. Chen et al., Nature, 616, 691 (2023).
[2] Yu. Kagan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 130402 (2003).
[3] Y. Kato, S. Watabe, Y. Ohashi, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 400, 032036 (2012).
[4] I. Danshita and D. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. A 82, 013645 (2010).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:Sidharth Rammohan(量子多体)
題目:Quantum phases in dipolar Bosons in planar array using cluster mean-field
概要:Dipolar bosons in optical lattices have emerged as a promising candidate for the quantum simulation of the condensed matter systems. These systems have been widely employed to study phase transitions in spin models because of their tunability with regard to the interaction strengths. These prospects now motivate scientists even more to explore for interesting phases in these kinds of systems, such Luttinger liquids. A theoretical study conducted in 2008 employed dipolar bosons in planar arrays to investigate the formation of the "sliding Luttinger liquid" (SLL) phase [1]. Since it is difficult to observe the SLL phase experimentally, the main objective of this work was to propose one such platform that would allow for the observation of the SLL phase utilizing dipolar bosons.
Despite the usual challenges associated with experimental advancements, experimental research has recently accelerated, and dipolar bosons can already be realized in optical lattices in laboratories. In 2023, Griener's group investigated the formation of dipolar quantum solids in a Hubbard quantum simulator [2]. Given the current status of the research field, we think that adopting a different approach, like a cluster mean-field method, to the problem will help to develop a computationally efficient solution and open the door to studying the real-time dynamics of the systems. We believe that the cluster mean field strategy introduced in [3] will work nicely for this.
While [3] studies the phase transition in a hardcore Bose-Hubbard model, this method can also be effectively applied to the dipolar boson in planar array case. Thus, in my talk, I will be talking about this proposal, initially focusing on the concepts of the cluster mean-field approach from [3] and the current state of the exploration of phase transition in dipole bosons in planar array. Then I will talk about our exact diagonalization results of the dipolar bosons in planar array for the grounds state. In conclusion, I will present our preliminary results from using DMRG, which is compared with the exact diagolanization results.
[1] C. Kollath et.al., PRL 100, 130403 (2008).
[2] Lin Su et.al., Nature 622 (2023).
[3] D. Yamamoto et.al., PRB 86, 054516 (2012).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:百合 巧(大阪大学)
題目:Observation and Analysis of Phonon and Polariton Propagation in a Many-ion Array under Harmonic Potential
概要:Quantum simulation, which uses well-controlled quantum systems to simulate other quantum systems, is gaining significant attention as a new method for exploring the properties of matter, and research in this area is becoming increasingly active. Trapped ions are a promising platform for quantum simulations due to their high coherence and controllability. In such systems, both qubits, which represent the internal states of ions, and phonons play crucial roles. The qubits of cooled ions can be controlled with high precision and have attracted significant attention. Consequently, numerous experiments have been conducted using ion arrays, ranging from a few ions to many, primarily focusing on their qubits [1]. On the other hand, phonons, which represent the vibrational quantum states of ions, offer more energy levels and can handle larger amounts of information. As to experiments with phonons, due to the challenges of controlling phonons, experiments focusing on phonons have so far only been reported in systems with a few ions [2,3]. However, in recent years, experiments using phonons in many-ion arrays have also started to emerge[4]. For polaritons—quasi-particles created by coupling the internal states of ions with phonons via laser interactions—experimental investigations have also been limited to few-ion systems [5].
This research aims to conduct experimental and theoretical studies of quantum many-body systems described by the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard (JCH) model using phonons in ion arrays. As preparation for observing quantum phase transitions in the JCH model, we investigated phonon and polariton hopping in these arrays, considering the inhomogeneity of ion distances. In this talk, we present simulations of phonon and polariton hopping, considering the inhomogeneity in ion distances. Subsequently, we describe the experimental observations of phonon and polariton hopping.
[1] M. -W. Li et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 140501 (2022).
[2] E. K. Irish et al., Phys. Rev. A 77, 033811 (2008).
[3] K. Toyoda et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 160501 (2013).
[4] B. -W. Li et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 140501(2022).
[5] R. Ohira et al., Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 024015 (2021).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:鏡原 大地(中央大学)
題目:Anomalous tunneling effect on collective modes in a double-well trap: Theoretical proposal and experiment using cloud-accessible Bose Condensate platform Oqtant
概要:Weakly-interacting dilute Bose gases provide us not only deep insights into Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) and superfluidity but also new avenues for exploring novel quantum phenomena. As an interesting phenomenon in a weakly-interacting BEC, the anomalous tunneling effect was theoretically predicted in the 2000s [1,2]. The anomalous tunneling effect means that low-energy Bogoliubov excitations in BEC tunnel through a potential barrier more easily at lower excitation energies, with perfect transmission occurring at the zero-energy limit. This phenomenon is related to superfluidity [3] and would be a universal property of Nambu-Goldstone modes associated with the spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetry [4]. However, the experimental observation of the anomalous tunneling effect is not realized so far.
A recent trend in quantum technology is to provide public online access to quantum platforms. As an example, the American corporation Infleqtion provides a cloud-accessible platform for a trapped BEC, named Oqtant [5]. Oqtant offers a Rb87 BEC trapped in a cigar-shaped potential. Users can manipulate repulsive potential in time and observe the time evolution of the density distribution of atoms. Our study aims to capture the signature of the anomalous tunneling effect using Oqtant.
In the theory part, we theoretically explore what we should observe within Oqtant specifications. Previous work revealed that, in a double-well trapped BEC, the dependence of the lowest frequency of collective modes on the barrier height in the center of a trap is related to the anomalous tunneling effect [6]. We show that the barrier-height dependences of the second and third lowest frequency of collective excitations are also related to the anomalous tunneling effect by solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. These frequencies would be measurable within the limitation of experiments in Oqtant.
In the experiment part, we report the experiment done in Oqtant. In our experiment setup, we apply the repulsive potential to excite collective modes for a short time and observe the time evolution of density distributions of atom clouds after removing the potential to evaluate the frequencies of collective modes. The above protocol was performed in the presence of a potential barrier near the center of the trap for various barrier heights. We discuss the relation between the observed barrier-height dependence of collective mode frequencies and the anomalous tunneling effect by comparing it with the simulation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
[1] D. Kovrizhin, Phys. Lett. A 287, 392 (2001).
[2] Y. Kagan, D. L. Kovrizhin, and L. A. Maksimov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 130402 (2003).
[3] I. Danshita, N. Yokoshi, and S. Kurihara, New J. Phys. 8, 44 (2006).
[4] Y. Kato, S. Watabe, and Y. Ohashi, J. Phys.: Conf. Series 400, 032036 (2012).
[5] https://www.infleqtion.com/oqtant.
[6] I. Danshita, K. Egawa, N. Yokoshi, and S. Kurihara, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74, 3179 (2005).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:濱田 雄大(素粒子論・場の量子論)
題目:Large-N reduced model
概要:The SU(N) gauge theory requires a non-perturbative analysis in the low energy region due to the asymptotic freedom. Non-perturbative analysis of gauge theory is computationally complex and difficult, but it is known that in the large N limit, the theory can be simplified because only specific diagrams called planar diagrams contribute to physical quantities in the limit. Eguchi and Kawai showed that in the large N limit, SU(N) gauge theory could be equivalent to SU(N) matrix model (one-site lattice gauge theory). However, it was soon later shown that the equivalence of the theory breaks down in the weak coupling region due to the spontaneous breaking of Zn symmetry, which is essential for keeping the vacuum structure. Gonzalez-Arroyo and Okawa proposed the Twisted Eguchi Kawai model, where the twisted boundary condition is imposed on each dimension, and showed that physical quantities such as the string tension and the meson mass spectrum are calculated accurately. In this presentation, we introduce the results of calculations of physical quantities using the Twisted Eguchi Kawai model and show that it is an effective model of SU(N) gauge theory or QCD. We also mention the Adjoint Eguchi-Kawai model, which is another candidate of QCD matrix model.
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者1:小田川 陽睦(量子多体)
概要: 冷却原子系、イオントラップ系、超伝導量子回路系などの人工量子系に関する実験技術の発展によって、近年これらの系では外界から非常によく孤立した量子多体系が実現され、その非平衡ダイナミクスが観測されている。これらの実験系は「孤立した量子多体系が長時間のユニタリ時間発展の後に熱平衡化するか?」という量子統計力学の基本的な問題を研究する手段と機会を提供しており、このことを動機づけとして、孤立量子系の熱平衡化の問題は実験・理論の両面から盛んに研究されている。外界から孤立した非可積分の量子多体系は固有状態熱化仮説を満たし、熱平衡化すると長い間考えられてきた。しかしながら、2017 年に光ピンセットで配列されたRydberg 原子集団の実験[1] において反例が発見され、その固有状態熱化仮説を破る状態は量子多体傷跡状態と名付けられて大きな注目を集めている。2017 年の実験以降、量子多体傷跡状態を持つ理論模型は数多く見つかってきたが、一般的な系において量子多体傷跡状態は大多数の熱的な固有状態に埋もれて存在するため、単独の量子多体傷跡状態を実験で生成することは困難である。一方で、2024 年に、三体制約を課したBose-Hubbard 模型において量子多体傷跡状態が当該模型の強結合極限の有効ハミルトニアンの基底状態として存在することが理論的に指摘され、実験的操作で用意できる可能性が開けた[2]。 そこで本研究では超伝導量子回路系において三体制約を課したBose-Hubbard 模型で記述される系が実現可能であることを指摘する。その上で、超伝導量子回路系において量子多体傷跡状態の実現方法を提案することを目指す。そのための準備として進めている行列積状態法による量子多体傷跡状態の生成プロセスの数値シミュレーションに関する途中経過を報告する。
[1] H. Bernien et al. Nature 551.7682 (2017): 579-584.
[2] R. Kaneko, M. Kunimi, and I. Danshita. Physical Review A 109.1 (2024): L011301.
発表者2:田中 愛梨(物性理論)
発表者:真柄 大輝(物性理論)
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者1:大田 裕一(量子多体)
発表者2:安井 紫苑(物性理論)
発表者3:中井 七海(量子多体)
概要:冷却Bose 原子気体からなるBose-Einstein 凝縮体(BEC) が初めて実現[1,2]されて以来、その巨視的波動性に起因する様々な物性が実験・理論の両面から研究されてきた。本研究ではBEC が示す興味深い物性の一つであるダークソリトン励起に注目する。これまでにいくつかの実験で位相焼き付け法を用いてダークソリトンが生成されたがどれも寿命が短時間であり、安定なダークソリトンの観測には成功していない[3-8]。本研究では冷却原子気体BECの遠隔実験装置Oqtant [9]を用いてダークソリトンを観測することを目指す。そのために本発表では、理論解析によってOqtant で安定なダークソリトンを生成する方法を提案する。具体的には、Gross-Pitaevskii 平均場理論[10]に基づくBEC の安定性解析から、Oqtant で操作可能な原子に対する斥力ポテンシャルを調整することでダークソリトンを安定化できることを示す。ダークソリトンの安定性と斥力ポテンシャルの幅および高さの関係について詳細に議論し、安定したダークソリトンの観測に適した実験パラメータの理論値を与える。
[1] K. B. Davis et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3969 (1995).
[2] M. H. Anderson et al., Science 269, 198 (1995).
[3] S. Burger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5198 (1999).
[4] J. Denschlag et al., Science 287, 97 (2000).
[5] A. Weller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 130401 (2008).
[6] C. Becker et al., Nat. Phys. 4, 496 (2008).
[7] C. Becker et al., New J. Phys. 15, 113028 (2013).
[8] L. M. Aycock et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 114, 2503 (2017).
[9] https://www.infleqtion.com/oqtant
[10] L. Pitaevskii and S.Stringari, Bose-Einstein Condensattion,(Oxford University press, Oxford, 2016).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者1:西澤 良彌(量子多体)
発表者2:森本 陸斗(量子多体)
発表者3:村山 太洋(量子多体)
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:植田 健太 (量子多体)
題目:Anomalous tunneling of collective excitations in a Rydberg atomic system
概要:We study tunneling properties of low-energy excitations through a potential barrier in a spin-1/2 ferromagnetic XY model with dipole-dipole interactions, which has been realized with Rydberg atoms in an optical tweezer array [1]. In a system with spontaneous breaking of U(1) symmetry and short-range interaction, it is known that low-energy excitations exhibit anomalous tunneling behavior, in which the transmission probability increases with decreasing the excitation energy and the barrier is completely transparent at the zero-energy limit [2]. We aim to elucidate how the long-range nature of the dipole-dipole interaction affects such tunneling properties of the low-energy excitations. Specifically, within a mean field theory, we numerically calculate the transmission probability. As a result, we find that anomalous tunneling indeed occurs. We also discuss physical properties unique to the systems with long-range interactions.
[1] C. Chen et al., Nature, 616, 691 (2023).
[2] Yu. Kagan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 130402 (2003).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:Rammohan, Sidharth(量子多体)
題目:Studying quantum phases in dipolar Bosons in planar array using cluster mean-field
概要:Dipolar bosons in optical lattices have emerged as a promising candidate for the quantum simulation of the condensed matter systems. These systems have been widely employed to study phase transitions in spin models because of their tunability with regard to the interaction strengths. These prospects now motivate scientists even more to explore for interesting phases in these kinds of systems, such Luttinger liquids. A theoretical study conducted in 2008 employed dipolar bosons in planar arrays to investigate the formation of the "sliding Luttinger liquid" (SLL) phase [1]. Since it is difficult to observe the SLL phase experimentally, the main objective of this work was to propose one such platform that would allow for the observation of the SLL phase utilizing dipolar bosons.
Despite the usual challenges associated with experimental advancements, experimental research has recently accelerated, and dipolar bosons can already be realized in optical lattices in laboratories. In 2023, Griener's group investigated the formation of dipolar quantum solids in a Hubbard quantum simulator [2]. Given the current status of the research field, we think that adopting a different approach, like a cluster mean-field method, to the problem will help to develop a computationally efficient solution and open the door to studying the real-time dynamics of the systems. We believe that the cluster mean field strategy introduced in [3] will work nicely for this.
While [3] studies the phase transition in a hardcore Bose-Hubbard model, this method can also be effectively applied to the dipolar boson in planar array case.Thus, in my talk, I will be talking about this proposal, focusing mostly on the concepts of the cluster mean-field approach from [3] and the current state of the exploration of phase transition in dipole bosons in planar array. Finally, I will provide a quick summary of the cluster mean-field approach's potential for this purpose at the end of my session.
[1] C. Kollath et.al., PRL 100, 130403 (2008).
[2] Lin Su et.al., Nature 622 (2023).
[3] D. Yamamoto et.al., PRB 86, 054516 (2012).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:段下 一平(量子多体)
題目:Creating Ising model with sign-inverted next-nearest-neighbor interaction by using Rydberg atoms:
Application to studies of surface criticality
概要:We propose a way to realize a system quantitatively described by a mixed-field Ising model, in which the sign of the next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) interaction is opposite to that of nearest-neighbor one [1], with use of Rydberg atoms in an optical-tweezer array. We theoretically show that the proposed system is suited to studying surface criticality associated with discontinuous quantum phase transitions [2,3]. Specifically, we derive the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equation of the Ising model with the sign-inverted NNN interaction, which provides us with analytical insights of the surface criticality. By presenting numerical calculations based on a mean-field theory, we confirm the validity of the GL equation near the quantum tricritical point (QTCP). We also find that the logarithmic divergence behavior, which is a characteristic of the surface criticality, persists even away from the QTCP.
[1] Y. Kato and T. Misawa, Phys. Rev. B 92, 174419 (2015).
[2] R. Lipowsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1575 (1982).
[3] I. Danshita, D. Yamamoto, and Y. Kato, Phys. Rev. A 91, 013603 (2015).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:百合 巧(大阪大学)
題目:Construction of Many-Body Quantum Simulators Using Phonons in Trapped Ions
概要:Quantum simulation, which uses a well-controlled quantum system to simulate another quantum system [1], is gaining attention as a new method for exploring the properties of matter, and research in this area is becoming increasingly active. Arrays of ions trapped by electromagnetic fields in a vacuum are a promising choice for quantum simulation due to their high coherence and controllability. In quantum information processing using ions, both qubits (internal states) and phonons (vibrational quantum states of ions) play important roles. The internal states of cooled ions can be controlled with high precision, making them ideal quantum bits. Experiments using ion arrays, from a few to many ions, have primarily focused on the internal states [2~4]. On the other hand, the phonon degrees of freedom have more energy levels and can handle more information. However, due to the difficulty of controlling phonons, experiments focusing on phonons have so far only been reported with a few ions [5~8]. This research aims to conduct experimental studies of quantum many-body systems described by the Jaynes-Cummings- Hubbard (JCH) model using phonons in ion arrays. In this talk, as preparation for observing quantum phase transitions in the JCH model, I will present results from measurements of Rabi oscillations and sideband cooling with ten ions using a macroscopic light addressing beam, as well as results from Rabi oscillations and sideband cooling with 20 ions. I will also discuss plans for future research.
[1] R. P. Feynman, Intl. J. Theor. Phys. 21, 467(1982).
[2] B. P. Lanyon et. al., Science 334, 57 (2011).
[3] Q.-X. Nei et. al., PRL 128, 100504 (2022).
[4] M.-W. Li et. al., PRL 129, 140501(2022).
[5] E. K. Irish et. al., PRA 77, 033811(2008).
[6] K. Toyoda et. al., PRL 111, 160501(2013).
[7] R. Ohira et. al., PRA 100, 06031(R) (2019).
[8] S. Muralidharan et. al., PRA 104, 062410(2021).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:小久保 治哉 (物性理論)
題目:Size Dependence of the critical velocity of the superfluid wake
概要:Wake is a flow that occurs behind an obstacle moving through fluids, the dynamics of which is determined by the size and velocity of the obstacle, and is associated with various fluid phenomena such as vortex formation and turbulent transition. Wake in superfluid has been studied both experimentally and theoretically in weakly interacting Bose systems, and it has been shown that the critical velocity depends on the shape of the obstacle. In numerical simulations, Gaussian potentials are often used to simulate an optical laser obstacle. However, it is difficult to measure the dependence of the critical velocity on the shape of the obstacle due to the unclear effects of the tail in the Gaussian potential. In this work, we consider the wake with a plate-shaped obstacle to evaluate the dependence of the critical velocity on the size of the obstacle. In this talk, we describe the size dependence of the critical velocity by numerical simulations for a 2-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate and present a method for quantitative evaluation of the critical velocity using the complex potential flow.
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:安藤 京介(物性理論)
題目:Machine learning analysis of Fully Frustrated XY Model (FFXY) in two-dimensional square lattice
概要:The recent remarkable development of artificial neural networks in image recognition, image classification, and natural language processing has influenced many scientific fields, and the search for new discoveries by applying this technology to any problem has begun. In the field of classical statistical physics, machine learning algorithms were introduced to identify symmetry-broken phase [1-3], and in some of these cases neural networks were shown to be able to learn order parameters and other thermodynamic parameters [1,3]. Having been able to apply machine learning techniques to conventional phase transitions, it is natural to ask whether the algorithm can be applied to unconventional phase transitions. As an example of such a system, we focus on the 2D Fully Frustrated XY Model (FFXY) [4]. The FFXY model has an Ising model-like transition and an XY model-like transition.
The purpose of this study is to see if machine learning algorithms trained by the XY and Ising models can detect phase transitions for the two-dimensional square lattice FFXY model. The two neural networks used were trained from the spin configuration of the Ising model and the vortex configuration of the XY model. The FFXY model detects vortices from spin configurations obtained from Monte Carlo simulations, and inputs them to the learning model. Also introduce the graph-convolutional network (GCN) method for learning phase transitions.
[1] J. Carrasquilla and R. G. Melko, Nat. Phys. 13, 431 (2017).
[2] E. P. L. van Nieuwenburg, Y.-H. Liu, and S. D. Huber, Nat. Phys.13, 435 (2017).
[3] S. J. Wetzel and M. Scherzer, Phys. Rev. B 96, 184410 (2017).
[4] Stephen Teitel, 40 Years of Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless Theory (World Scientific), pp. 201-235 (2013).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:笠松 健一(物性理論)
題目:Decay of two-dimensional quantum turbulence in binary Bose-Einstein condensates
概要:We study two-dimensional quantum turbulence in miscible binary Bose-Einstein condensates in either a harmonic trap or a steep-wall trap through the numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations. The turbulence is generated through a Gaussian stirring potential. When the condensates have unequal intracomponent coupling strengths or asymmetric trap frequencies, the turbulent condensates undergo a dramatic decay dynamics to an interlaced array of vortex-antidark structures, a quasiequilibrium state, of like-signed vortices with an extended size of the vortex core. The time of formation of this state is shortened when the parameter asymmetry of the intracomponent couplings or the trap frequencies is enhanced. The corresponding spectrum of the incompressible kinetic energy exhibits two noteworthy features: (i) a k^{-3} power law around the range of the wave number determined by the spin healing length (the size of the extended vortex core) and (ii) a flat region around the range of the wave number determined by the density healing length. The latter is associated with the small scale phase fluctuation relegated outside the Thomas-Fermi radius and is more prominent as the strength of intercomponent interaction approaches the strength of intracomponent interaction. We also study the impact of the intercomponent interaction to the cluster formation of like-signed vortices in an elliptical steep-wall trap, finding that the intercomponent coupling gives rise to the decay of the clustered configuration.Reference
Thudiyangal Mithun, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Bishwajyoti Dey, and Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, Phys. Rev. A 103, 023301 (2021)
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:近藤 康(量子制御)
題目:Artificial Relaxation in NMR Experiment
概要:Environmental noises cause quantum systems to relax, which can significantly impact the precision of operations. Grasping the relaxation mechanism caused by environmental noises is a crucial step in the development of quantum technologies. Relaxations can be viewed as a process of information dissipation from the system into an environment with infinite degrees of freedom (DoF). This concept has led to the proposal and demonstration of a model of artificial relaxation in NMR experiments. While the current model has successfully captured the central idea of relaxation, we have observed recursive behavior due to the limited DoF of the ``artificial environment''. This limitation hampers its ability to describe relaxation accurately. This paper aims to overcome this limitation by extending the approach and studying the relaxation-like behavior through manipulating DoF. Our study promises to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the concept of relaxation.
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:手塚 真樹(京都大学)
題目:Quantum error correction and spectral statistics in Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev-type long-range interacting models
概要:The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model is a quantum mechanical model with maximally chaotic behavior at low temperatures. The model contains N fermions with random, all-to-all interactions and can be solved in the large-N limit. Since its proposal in 2015, the model has received significant attention due to its simplicity and the potential to study quantum gravity via the holographic principle. Numerous variants of the SYK model have been proposed, including a sparse version where only O(N) couplings are nonzero.
In this talk, we discuss our results [1] on the scrambling feature of SYK-type models including the binary-coupling sparse version [2], obtained by estimating the decoding error for the Hayden-Preskill protocol, where quantum information is embedded in a larger quantum system undergoing unitary dynamics. We also briefly introduce our
proposal for a further simplified model [3] that employs spin operators instead of Majorana fermions, presenting numerical results such as eigenenergy statistics and discussing the potential for quantum simulations.
[1] Y. Nakata and M. Tezuka, Phys. Rev. Research 6, L022021 (2024).
[2] M. Tezuka, O. Oktay, E. Rinaldi, M. Hanada, and F. Nori, Phys. Rev. B. 107, L081103 (2023).
[3] M. Hanada, A. Jevicki, X. Liu, E. Rinaldi, and M. Tezuka, J. High Energ. Phys. 05(2024)280.
教室:31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:濱田 雄大(場の量子論・素粒子論研究室)
題目:Fermion on the lattice
概要:When defining fermion fields on lattice spaces, a challenge known as the doubling problem arises. In this issue, taking the continuous limit of the fermion action on the lattice results in two fermionic degrees of freedom for each dimension. This is undesirable from the perspective of the physical properties of low-energy systems, such as asymptotic freedom. Moreover, according to the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem, the fundamental properties of lattice fermion actions lead to a strong constraint that the doubling problem is necessarily unavoidable. In this presentation, we will explore lattice field theory and gauge invariance on the lattice. We will then examine Wilson fermions, which are commonly used to address the doubling problem, as well as domain-wall fermions, discussing their relationship with topological insulators.
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:宮井 誠一郎(量子多体)
題目:Toward an analysis of correlation propagation in the Bose-Hubbard model with dipole-dipole interactions
概要:Rapid technological advances in preparing and manipulating cold atoms have offered unique opportunities for studies of non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems. One of the fundamental questions to be addressed is how correlations propagate in these systems. Specifically, such correlation propagation dynamics have been analyzed in experiments with Bose gases in optical lattices [1,2], which can be well described by the Bose-Hubbard model.
Moreover, quantum simulations including long-range interactions such as dipole-dipole interactions, Rydberg atoms, and cold polar molecules have recently been developed [3,4,5,6]. These experiments have opened up new possibilities for studying effects of the long-range interactions on correlation propagation dynamics. In this work, we aim to theoretically investigate correlation spreading in the Bose-Hubbard model with dipole-dipole interactions using an approximation method based on Holsetin-Primakoff transformation [7]. In preparation for analyzing this model, this presentation will review the unconstrained fermion approximation (UF approximation) [8], which is a fundamental approximation used to analyze the 1D Bose-Hubbard model, and present a part of what has been learned about the Holstein-Primakoff transformation for the Bose-Hubbard model.
[1] Marc Cheneau, Peter Barmettler, Dario Poletti, et al., Nature 481, 484-487 (2012).
[2] Yosuke Takasu, Tomoya Yagami, Hiroto Asaka, et al., Science Advances 6, eaba9255 (2020).
[3] S. Baier, M. J. Mark, D. Petter, et al., Science 352, 201-205 (2016).
[4] Lin Su, Alexander Douglas, Michal Szurek, et al., Nature 622, 724-729 (2023).
[5] Sepehr Ebadi, Tout T. Wang, Harry Levine, et al., Nature 595, 227-232 (2021).
[6] Jason S. Rosenberg , Lysander Christakis, et al., Nature Physics 18, 1062-1066 (2022).
[7] S. D. Huber, E. Altman, et al., Physical Review B 75, 085106 (2007).
[8] Peter Barmettler, Dario Poletti, et al., Physical Review A 85, 053625 (2012).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:武上 響生(京都大学)
題目:Spin Green’s function approach to the Kitaev model
概要:The Kitaev model is a quantum spin system defined on a honeycomb lattice whose ground state has been shown to be a strictly spin liquid state [1,2]. Furthermore, the existence of fractionalized Majorana fermion excitations has been suggested. Although Majorana fermions are essential for obtaining the exact ground state, their physical interpretation in terms of spin operators remains unclear. In this study, we employ the Green’s function equation of motion approach for the analysis of the spin correlations in the isotropic Kitaev model while preserving SU(2) symmetry [3]. In this method, the temperature dependence of the spin-spin correlation function is obtained based on the short-range spin correlations. The spin Green's functions describe the propagation of the Z2 flux defined at each hexagonal plaquette. This approach aligns with the high-temperature expansion in the high-temperature regime. We present the temperature dependence of the nearest neighbor spin-spin correlation function, and show that its value is very close to the exact value at zero temperature. We also present some exact results for the spin-spin correlation function.
[1] A. Kitaev, Ann. Phys. 321, 2 (2006).
[2] Y. Motome and J. Nasu, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 012002 (2020).
[3] H. Takegami and T. Morinari, arXiv:2405.13309
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:籔内 雄大(大阪公立大学)
題目:Quantum Turbulence Generated by Normal-Fluid Wall Turbulence in Co-flow of Superfluid 4He
概要:While the universal logarithmic law of the wall is crucial in the study of classical turbulence, there are still not enough studies on quantum turbulence. Recently, Guo’s group [1] observed the logarithmic law of the normal component in co-flowing superfluid 4He, where the mean velocities of the superfluid and normal fluid are in the same direction. Interestingly, the Kármán constant κ obtained by the experiment is different from the universal value κ = 0.41 of classical turbulence. To identify the cause of the change, we consider the effect of the mutual friction in a vortex tangle state under the co-flow. We performed simulations of the vortex filament model [2] between two parallel plates. Our mean velocity profile of the normal fluid consists of the viscous sublayer, the logarithmic region, and the bulk region. To introduce the turbulence of the normal component, we added an ABC flow [3] to the mean velocity profile. It is found that the turbulence in the normal component is required to create and maintain the vortex tangle under co-flow, unlike the counterflow. Our simulation shows that polarized vortex filaments are collected near the wall. This is a unique feature of the co-flow turbulence. We will discuss how the spatial distribution of mutual friction may affect the change in the Kármán constant.
[1] W. Guo, private communications
[2] K. W. Schwarz, Phys. Rev. B, Vol 38, 2398 (1988)
[3] T. Dombre, et.al., J. Fluid. Mech., Vol 167, 353 (1986)
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者1:西澤 良彌
概要:アブストラクト→量子計算機に適しているプラットフォームとして、光ピンセットを用いて配列されたRydberg原子が注目されている[1]。今後のRydberg原子系を用いた量子計算機の発展に向けて、この系の量子ビット操作技術の高度化が求められる。量子ビット操作のエラーの要因としてドップラー効果、レーザー位相ノイズ、中間状態からの自然放出などが考えられており、近年活発に議論されている[2]。エラーを引き起こしうる他の物理的現象としてフォノン散乱がある。これは上記3つのエラー要因に対して影響が小さいとされているが、研究開発の進展によってそれらの影響が軽減されてくるにつれて相対的に影響が大きくなると予想される。本研究ではフォノン散乱のRydberg原子系に対する影響を理論解析し、フォノンの影響による量子ビット操作のエラーを抑制する手法を理論面から提案することを目的とする。本発表では、エラーを抑制したい操作として2量子ビット操作の一つであるCZゲートを選び、先行研究[3]で示されたRydberg原子系でのCZゲートの実現方法について説明する。次に、Facilitation conditionというスピン揃っている領域の境界でスピンが反転しやすくなる状況を考え、フォノン散乱によってスピンが影響を受ける様子をそれらのシミュレーションについての先行研究[4]を用いて学習する。
[1] M. Morgado and S. Whitlock, AVS Quantum Sci. 3, 023501(2021)
[2] Sylvain de Léséleuc et al, Phys. Rev. A 97, 053803 (2018)
[3] Levine, H. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 170503 (2019)
[4] Matteo Magoni, Chris Nill, and Igor Lesanovsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 133401 (2024)
発表者2:森本 陸斗
概要:2017年にCarleoとTroyerが制限Boltzmannマシン(RBM)型のニューラルネットワークを用いた変分波動関数を量子スピン系の数値解析に応用して以来[1]、RBM変分波動関数を用いた量子多体系の理論研究は急速に発展している[2]。一方で、光格子中の冷却気体系からなる量子シミュレータを用いた量子多体系の非平衡ダイナミクスの研究が近年精力的になされている[3]。そこで本研究では、RBM変分波動関数を用いて、光格子中の冷却気体系を記述する典型的な模型であるBose-Hubbard模型の非平衡ダイナミクスを解析することを目的とする。現在そのための準備としてRBM変分波動関数を用いたスピン1/2 Heisenberg模型の基底状態解析[1,4]の再現に取り組んでおり、本発表では、その進捗状況を報告する。まず初めに、文献[4]に基づいて、近年発展を続けているニューラルネットワークを用いた機械学習について概説する。つづいて、RBM変分波動関数の最適化に用いたマルコフ連鎖型モンテカルロ法と最急降下法を説明する。それらを用いて、(L^2+2L)個の変分パラメータを有するRBM波動関数を準備した場合に正しい基底状態エネルギーが得られることを確認する。続いてより大きいスピン数の場合に適応するために、並進対称性を用いて(L+2)個に変分パラメータを減らしたRBM波動関数を準備した場合でも同様に正しい基底状態エネルギーが得られることを確認する。
[1] G. Carleo and M. Troyer, Science 355, 602 (2017).
[2] R. G. Melko et al., Nat. Phys. 15, 887-892 (2019).
[3] F. Schäfer, et al., Nat. Rev. Phys. 2, 411 (2020).
[4] ―Pythonで実践― 基礎からの物理学とディープラーニング入門,福島 健二および桂 法称, 科学情報出版株式会社, 2022年.
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者1:小田川 陽睦(量子多体)
概要:冷却原子系などの外界から非常によく隔離された量子プラットフォームの発展に促進されて、孤立した量子多体系の熱平衡化の問題が実験・理論の両面から精力的に研究されている[1,2]。非可積分な系において一般的な初期状態は長時間発展の後に熱平衡化するが、近年の研究で、量子多体傷跡状態と呼ばれる熱平衡化しない例外的な量子状態が存在しうることが明らかになっている[3,4]。2024年に、三体制約を課したBose-Hubbard (BH) 模型の量子多体傷跡状態が理論的に発見され、光格子中のBose気体を用いてその状態を実現する方法が提案された[5]。そこでは非常に強い三体ロスによる量子ゼノ効果によって三体制約を導入することが提案されているが、現実的には粒子のロスのせいで系の寿命が相当短くなってしまう。本研究では、人工的な散逸を用いずに三体制約を実現できる超伝導量子回路系の利点を生かして、この系を用いて先行研究[5]で発見された量子多体傷跡状態を実現する方法を提案することを目的とする。本発表では、そのための準備として、まずBH模型で記述される超伝導量子回路の実現方法[6,7]を説明する。さらに、量子多体傷跡状態を実現に必要な要素として、調整可能な結合の導入方法[8]と多体系への粒子の追加方法[7]を概説する。
[1] D'Alessio, Luca, et al., Advances in Physics 65.3 (2016): 239-362.
[2] Mori, Takashi, et al., Journal of Physics B 51.11 (2016): 112001.
[3] Bernien, Hannes, et al., Nature 551.7682 (2017): 579-584.
[4] Turner, Christopher J., et al., Nature Physics 14.7 (2018): 745-749.
[5] Kaneko, Ryui, et al., Physical Review A 109.1 (2024): L011301.
[6] Saxberg, Brendan, Diss., PhD. Thesis, The University of Chicago, (2023).
[7] Ma, Ruichao, et al., Nature 566.7742 (2019): 51-57.
[8] Yan, Fei, et al., Physical Review Applied 10.5 (2018): 054062.
発表者2:中井 七海(量子多体)
[1] K. B. Davis et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3969 (1995).
[2] M. H. Anderson et al., Science 269, 198 (1995).
[3] S. Burger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5198 (1999).
[4] J. Denschlag et al., Science 287, 97 (2000).
[5] A. Weller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 130401 (2008).
[6] C. Becker et al., Nat. Phys. 4, 496 (2008).
[7] C. Becker et al., New J. Phys. 15, 113028 (2013).
[8] L. M. Aycock et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 114, 2503 (2017).
[9] https://www.infleqtion.com/oqtant
[10] L. Pitaevskii and S.Stringari, Bose-Einstein Condensattion,(Oxford University press, Oxford, 2016).
[11] A. E. Muryshev et al., Phys. Rev. A 60, R2665 (1999)
[12] M. Edwards et al., J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 101, 553 (1996)
発表者3:大田 裕一(量子多体)
[1] K. Toyoda et al., Physical Review Letters 111, 160501 (2013).
[2] 豊田健二, 応用物理 89, 632 (2020).
[3] A. D. Greentree et al., Nature Physics 2, 12 (2006).
[4] 斉藤拓也, 物性研究・電子版 1, 012601 (2012).
教室: 31号館3階シミュレーション実験室 + Zoomでのオンライン配信
発表者:村山 太洋(量子多体)
概要:二軌道Bose気体系とは、二つの異なる内部状態をもつ原子の混合気体を状態依存光格子に載せることで実現されている系である[1,2]。平均場近似を用いた近年の理論研究で、軌道間のRabi結合を変化させることで、異なる二つの超流動状態間の量子相転移が起こりうることが示された。本研究では、より精密な数値計算手法を用いて、この転移が実験で観測されうるかどうかを詳細に検討する。本発表では、そのための準備として、光格子中のBose気体がBose-Hubbard型の模型で記述されることを説明する。また、二軌道Bose気体という物理系を理解するために、Stony Brook大学のグループによる二成分87Rb原子を用いた二軌道Bose気体に関する実験結果を概説する[1,4]。特に、Rabi結合によるバンド混成によってそれぞれの軌道の粒子の有効的なホッピングがどのように変化するのかを議論する。
[1] L. Krinnner et al., Nature 559, 589 (2018).
[2] L. Riegger, Ph.D.thesis (2019).
[3] 段下一平, 後藤慎平, 横井真理, 日本物理学会年次大会, 2021年.
[4] J. Kwon et al., Nature Physics 18, 657 (2022).