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Original papers
"Entanglement entropy dynamics of non-Gaussian states in free boson systems: random sampling approach" , Ryui Kaneko, Daichi Kagamihara, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 111 , 032412 (2025) [10 pages], arXiv:2411.10085 [quant-phys].
“Semiclassical description of dissipative dynamics of strongly interacting Bose gases in optical lattices” , Kazuma Nagao, Ippei Danshita , and Seiji Yunoki, Physical Review A 110 , 063310 (2024) [19 pages] arXiv:2307.16170 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
"Surface criticality in the mixed-field Ising model with sign-inverted next-nearest-neighbor interaction" , Yuki Nakamura , Ryui Kaneko , and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 110 , 033319 (2024) [8 pages], arXiv: 2406.06070 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
"Ground-state phase diagram of the SU(4) Heisenberg model on a plaquette lattice" , Ryui Kaneko , Shimpei Goto , and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 110 , 023326 (2024) [10 pages], arXiv:2407.05556 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Quantum many-body scars in the Bose-Hubbard model with a three-body constraint” , Ryui Kaneko , Masaya Kunimi, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 109 , L011301 (2024) [6 pages], arXiv:2308.12151 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Persistent-current states originating from the Hilbert space fragmentation in momentum space” , Masaya Kunimi and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 108 , 063316 (2023) [15 pages], arXiv:2211.00785 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Dynamics of correlation spreading in low-dimensional transverse-field Ising models” , Ryui Kaneko and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 108 , 023301 (2023) [20 pages], arXiv:2301.01407 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Relation between the noise correlations and the spin structure factor for Mott-insulating states in SU(N) Hubbard models” , Mathias Mikkelsen and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 107 , 043313 (2023) [10 pages], arXiv:2301.09807 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Rényi entanglement entropy after a quantum quench starting from insulating states in a free boson system” , Daichi Kagamihara , Ryui Kaneko , Shion Yamashika, Kota Sugiyama, Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 107 , 033305 (2023) [14 pages], arXiv:2207.08353 [quant-phys].
“Evaluating thermal expectation values by almost ideal sampling with Trotter gates” , Shimpei Goto , Ryui Kaneko , and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review B 107 , 024307 (2023) [7 pages] arXiv:2209.03523 [quant-phys].
“Resonant superfluidity in the Rabi-coupled spin-dependent Fermi-Hubbard model” , Mathias Mikkelsen , Ryui Kaneko , Daichi Kagamihara , and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 106 , 043316 (2022) [10 pages], arXiv:2203.04523 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Tensor-network study of correlation-spreading dynamics in the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model” , Ryui Kaneko and Ippei Danshita , Communications Physics 5 , 65 (2022) [7 pages], arXiv:2108.11051 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Transition between vacuum and finite-density states in the infinite-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with spatially inhomogeneous dissipation” , Shiono Asai , Shimpei Goto , and Ippei Danshita , Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2022 , 033I01 (2022) [9 pages], arXiv:2111.13388 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Quantum droplet of a two-component Bose gas in an optical lattice near the Mott insulator transition” , Yoshihiro Machida, Ippei Danshita , Daisuke Yamamoto, and Kenichi Kasamatsu, Physical Review A 105 , L031301 (2022) [6 pages], arXiv:2109.13584 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“SU(3) truncated Wigner approximation for strongly interacting Bose gases” , Kazuma Nagao , Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review Research 3 , 043091 (2021) [18 pages], arXiv:2008.09900 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Nonergodic dynamics of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with a trapping potential” , Masaya Kunimi and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 104 , 043322 (2021) [9 pages], arXiv:2108.01238 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Matrix product state approach for a quantum system at finite temperatures using random phases and Trotter gates” , Shimpei Goto , Ryui Kaneko , and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review B 104 , 045133 (2021) [9 pages], arXiv:2103.04515 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Reentrance of the disordered phase in the antiferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice with longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields” , Ryui Kaneko , Yoshihide Douda , Shimpei Goto , and Ippei Danshita , Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 90 , 073001 (2021) [4 pages], arXiv:2103.12364 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Performance evaluation of the discrete Truncated Wigner approximation for quench dynamics of quantum spin systems with long-range interactions” , Masaya Kunimi , Kazuma Nagao , Shimpei Goto , and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review Research 3 , 013060 (2021) [15 pages], arXiv:2008.13481 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Minimally entangled typical thermal states algorithm with Trotter gates” , Shimpei Goto and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review Research 2 , 043236 (2020) [9 pages], arXiv:2005.09455 [quant-ph].
“Energy redistribution and spatio-temporal evolution of correlations after a sudden quench of the Bose-Hubbard model” , Yosuke Takasu, Tomoya Yagami, Hiroto Asaka, Yoshiaki Fukushima, Kazuma Nagao , Shimpei Goto , Ippei Danshita , and Yoshiro Takahashi, Science Advances 6 , eaba9255 (2020) [6 pages], arXiv:2002.12025 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Measurement-induced transitions of the entanglement scaling law in ultracold gases with controllable dissipation” , Shimpei Goto and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 102 , 033316 (2020) [7 pages], arXiv:2001.03400 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Semiclassical dynamics of a dark soliton in a one-dimensional bosonic superfluid in an optical lattice” , Yusuke Ozaki , Kazuma Nagao , Ippei Danshita , and Kenichi Kasamatsu, Physical Review Research 2 , 033272 (2020) [12 pages], arXiv:2004.10993 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Frustrated Quantum Magnetism with Bose Gases in Triangular Optical Lattices at Negative Absolute Temperatures” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Takeshi Fukuhara, and Ippei Danshita , Communications Physics 3 , 56 (2020) [10 pages] arXiv:1908.04134 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Non-equilibrium steady states of Bose-Einstein condensates with a local particle loss in double potential barriers” , Masaya Kunimi and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 100 , 063617 (2019) [13 pages] arXiv:1906.03551 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Magnetism driven by the interplay of fluctuations and frustration in the easy-axis triangular XXZ model with transverse fields” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Giacomo Marmorini, Masahiro Tabata, Kazuki Sakakura, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review B 100 , 140410(R) (2019) [6 pages]. arXiv:1808.08916 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Quasiexact Kondo Dynamics of Fermionic Alkali-Earth-Like Atoms at Finite Temperatures” , Shimpei Goto and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review Letters 123 , 143002 (2019) [6 pages]. arXiv:1906.08932 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Decay mechanisms of superflow of Bose-Einstein condensates in ring traps” , Masaya Kunimi and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 99 , 043613 (2019) [9 pages]. arXiv:1712.09493 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Performance of the time-dependent variational principle for matrix product states in long time evolution of a pure state” , Shimpei Goto and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review B 99 , 054307 (2019) [8 pages]. arXiv:1809.01400 [cond-mat.str-el].
“Semiclassical quench dynamics of Bose gases in optical lattices” , Kazuma Nagao , Masaya Kunimi , Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 99 , 023622 (2019) [11 pages]. arXiv:1810.04347 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Reduction of topological Z classification in cold atomic systems” , Tsuneya Yoshida, Ippei Danshita , Robert Peters, and Norio Kawakami, Physical Review Letters 121 , 025301 (2018) [6 pages]. arXiv:1711.09538 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Response of the Higgs amplitude mode of superfluid Bose gases in a three dimensional optical lattice” , Kazuma Nagao , Yoshiro Takahashi, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 97 , 043628 (2018) [19 pages]. arXiv:1710.00547 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Observation of the Mott insulator to superfluid crossover of a driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard system” , Takafumi Tomita, Shuta Nakajima, Ippei Danshita , Yosuke Takasu, and Yoshiro Takahashi, Science Advances 3 , e1701513 (2017) [8 pages]. arXiv:1705.09942 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Cooling schemes for two-component fermions in layered optical lattices” , Shimpei Goto and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 96 , 063602 (2017) [10 pages]. arXiv:1710.00521 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Localized Higgs modes of superfluid Bose gases in optical lattices: A Gutzwiller mean-field study” , Ippei Danshita and Shunji Tsuchiya, Physical Review A 96 , 043606 (2017) [13 pages]. arXiv:1707.02708 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Creating and probing the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model with ultracold gases: Towards experimental studies of quantum gravity” , Ippei Danshita , Masanori Hanada, and Masaki Tezuka, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2017 , 083I01 (2017) [22 pages]. arXiv:1606.02454 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Exact diagonalizaton and cluster mean-field study of triangular-lattice XXZ antiferromagnets near saturation” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Hiroshi Ueda, Ippei Danshita , Giacomo Marmorini, Tsutomu Momoi, and Tokuro Shimokawa, Physical Review B 96 , 014431 (2017) [12 pages]. arXiv:1704.04024 [cond-mat.str-el].
“Thermally activated phase slips of one-dimensional Bose gases in optical lattices” , Masaya Kunimi and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 95 , 033637 (2017) [11 pages]. arXiv:1610.08982 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Damping of Higgs and Nambu-Goldstone modes of superfluid Bose gases at finite temperatures” , Kazuma Nagao and Ippei Danshita , Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2016 , 063I01 (2016) [16 pages]. arXiv:1603.02395 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Umbrella-coplanar transition in the transverse XXZ model with arbitrary spin” , Giacomo Marmorini, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ippei Danshita , Physical Review B 93 , 224402 (2016) [8 pages]. arXiv:1510.07969 [cond-mat.str-el].
“Topological and dynamical properties of a generalized cluster model in one dimension” , Takumi Ohta, Shu Tanaka, Ippei Danshita , and Keisuke Totsuka, Physical Review B 93 , 165423 (2016) [15 pages]. arXiv:1603.03166 [cond-mat.stat-mech].
“Magnetization process of spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets on a layered triangular lattice” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Giacomo Marmorini, and Ippei Danshita , Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 , 024706 (2016) [6 pages]. arXiv:1510.04402 [cond-mat.str-el].
“Fano resonance through Higgs bound states in tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes” , Takeru Nakayama, Ippei Danshita , Tetsuro Nikuni, and Shunji Tsuchiya, Physical Review A 92 , 043610 (2015) [19 pages]. arXiv:1503.01516 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Phase diagram and sweep dynamics of a one-dimensional generalized cluster model” , Takumi Ohta, Shu Tanaka, Ippei Danshita , and Keisuke Totsuka, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 84 , 063001 (2015) [4 pages]. arXiv:1503.03204 [cond-mat.stat-mech].
“Cubic-quintic nonlinearity in superfluid Bose-Bose mixtures in optical lattices: Heavy solitary waves, barrier-induced criticality, and current-phase relation” , Ippei Danshita , Daisuke. Yamamoto, and Yasuyuki Kato, Physical Review A 91 , 013630 (2015) [17 pages]. arXiv:1409.7185 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Microscopic Model Calculations for the Magnetization Process of Layered Triangular-Lattice Quantum Antiferromagnets” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Giacomo Marmorini, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review Letters 114 , 027201 (2015) [5 pages]. arXiv:1411.4233 [cond-mat.str-el].
“Superfluid Bloch dynamics in an incommensurate lattice” , Jeremy Reeves, Brice Gadway, Thomas Bergeman, Ippei Danshita , and Dominik Schneble, New Journal of Physics 16 , 065011 (2014) [8 pages]. arXiv:1402.4830 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Quantum damping of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam revivals in ultracold Bose gases” , Ippei Danshita , Rafael Hipolito, Vadim Oganesyan, and Anatoli Polkovnikov, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2014 , 043I03 (2014) [8 pages]. arXiv:1012.4159 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Quantum phase diagram of the triangular-lattice XXZ model in a magnetic field” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Giacomo Marmorini, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review Letters 112 , 127203 (2014) [5 pages]; Erratum: ibid.112, 259901 (2014). arXiv:1309.0086 [cond-mat.str-el].
“Quantum tricriticality at the superfluid-insulator transition of binary Bose mixtures” , Yasuyuki Kato, Daisuke Yamamoto, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review Letters 112 , 055301 (2014) [5 pages]. arXiv:1311.2145 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“First-order phase transition and anomalous hysteresis of Bose gases in optical lattices” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Takeshi Ozaki, Carlos A. R. Sá de Melo, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review A 88 , 033624 (2013) [17 pages]. arXiv:1304.2578 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Magnon supersolid and anomalous hysteresis in spin dimers on a triangular lattice” , Daisuke Yamamoto and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review B 88 , 014419 (2013) [6 pages]. arXiv:1211.5880 [cond-mat.str-el].
“Universal damping behavior of dipole oscillations of one-dimensional ultracold gases induced by quantum phase slips” , Ippei Danshita , Physical Review Letters 111 , 025303 (2013) [5 pages]. arXiv:1303.1616 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Counterflow superfluid of polaron pairs in Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices” , Ippei Danshita and L. Mathey, Physical Review A 87 , 021603(R) (2013) [5 pages]. arXiv:1204.3988 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Quantum phases of hardcore bosons with long-range interactions on a square lattice” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Akiko Masaki, and Ippei Danshita , Physical Review B 86 , 054516 (2012) [17 pages]. arXiv:1206.2694 [cond-mat.other].
“Detecting the superfluid critical momentum of Bose gases in optical lattices through dipole oscillations” , Takuya Saito, Ippei Danshita , Takeshi Ozaki, and Tetsuro Nikuni, Physical Review A 86 , 023623 (2012) [11 pages]. arXiv:1203.4890 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Quantum phase slips in one-dimensional superfluids in a periodic potential” , Ippei Danshita and Anatoli Polkovnikov, Physical Review A 85 , 023638 (2012) [10 pages]. arXiv:1110.4306 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Dipolar bosons in triangular optical lattices: Quantum phase transitions and anomalous hysteresis” , Daisuke Yamamoto, Ippei Danshita , and Carlos A. R. Sá de Melo, Physical Review A 85 , 021601(R) (2012) [5 pages]. arXiv:1102.1317 [cond-mat.other].
“Superfluid to Mott insulator transition in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model for arbitrary integer filling factors” , Ippei Danshita and Anatoli Polkovnikov, Physical Review A 84 , 063637 (2011) [6 pages]. arXiv:1110.4308 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Detecting paired and counterflow superfluidity via dipole oscillations” , Anzi Hu, L. Mathey, Eite Tiesinga, Ippei Danshita , Carl J. Williams, and Charles W. Clark, Physical Review A 84 , 041609(R) (2011) [4 pages]. arXiv:1103.3513 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Accurate numerical verification of the instanton method for macroscopic quantum tunneling: dynamics of phase slips” , Ippei Danshita and Anatoli Polkovnikov, Physical Review B 82 , 094304 (2010) [14 pages]. arXiv:0908.2592 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Critical velocity of flowing supersolids of dipolar Bose gases in optical lattices” , Ippei Danshita and Daisuke Yamamoto, Physical Review A 82 , 013645 (2010) [6 pages]. arXiv:1002.3925 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Quantum many-body dynamics of dark solitons in optical lattices” , R. V. Mishmash, I. Danshita , Charles W. Clark, and L. D. Carr, Physical Review A 80 , 053612 (2009) [13 pages]. arXiv:0906.4949 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Instability of superfluid Fermi gases induce by a roton-like density mode in optical lattices” , Yoshihiro Yunomae, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ippei Danshita , Nobuhiko Yokoshi, and Shunji Tsuchiya Physical Review A 80 , 063627 (2009) [14 pages]. arXiv:0904.3179 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Stability of superfluid and supersolid phases of dipolar bosons in optical lattices” , Ippei Danshita and Carlos A. R. Sá de Melo, Physical Review Letters 103 , 225301 (2009) [4 pages]. arXiv:0804.0494 [cond-mat.other].
“Counterflow and paired superfluidity in one-dimensional Bose mixtures in optical lattices” , Anzi Hu, L. Mathey, Ippei Danshita , Eite Tiesinga, Carl J. Williams, and Charles W. Clark, Physical Review A 80 , 023619 (2009) [13 pages]. arXiv:0906.2150 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“The Bose-Hubbard ground state: extended Bogoliubov and variational methods compared with time-evolving block decimation” , Ippei Danshita and Pascal Naidon, Physical Review A 79 , 043601 (2009) [10 pages]. arXiv:0809.1486 [cond-mat.other].
“Heavily damped motion of one-dimensional Bose gases in an optical lattice” , Ippei Danshita and Charles W. Clark, Physical Review Letters 102 , 030407 (2009) [4 pages]. arXiv:0807.2898 [cond-mat.other].
“Creating a supersolid in one-dimensional Bose mixtures” , L. Mathey, Ippei Danshita , and Charles W. Clark, Physical Review A 79 , 011602(R) (2009) [4 pages]. arXiv:0806.0461 [cond-mat.other].
“Matter-wave dark solitons in a double-well potential” , Ryoko Ichihara, Ippei Danshita , and Tetsuro Nikuni, Physical Review A 78 , 063604 (2008) [6 pages]. arXiv:0809.2216 [cond-mat.other].
“Reentrant quantum phase transition in double-well optical lattices” , Ippei Danshita , C. A. R. Sá de Melo, and C. W. Clark, Physical Review A 77 , 063609 (2008) [5 pages]. arXiv:0712.0428 [cond-mat.other].
“Quantum phases of bosons in double-well optical lattices” , I. Danshita , J. E. Williams, C. A. R. Sá de Melo, and C. W. Clark, Physical Review A 76 , 043606 (2007) [7 pages]. arXiv:0705.2732 [cond-mat.other].
“Comment on `Nonlinear band structure in Bose-Einstein condensates: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a Kronig-Penney potential'” , Ippei Danshita and Shunji Tsuchiya, Physical Review A 76 , 017601 (2007) [2 pages]. arXiv:cond-mat/0703045 [cond-mat.other].
“Stability of Bose-Einstein condensates in a Kronig-Penney potential” , Ippei Danshita and Shunji Tsuchiya, Physical Review A 75 , 033612 (2007) [14 pages]. arXiv:cond-mat/0610582 [cond-mat.other].
“Landau damping: Instability mechanism of superfluid Bose gases moving in optical lattices” , Kiyohito Iigaya, Satoru Konabe, Ippei Danshita , and Tetsuro Nikuni, Physical Review A 74 , 053611 (2006) [8 pages]. arXiv:cond-mat/0606398 [cond-mat.other].
“Phase Dependence of Phonon Tunneling in Bosonic Superfluid-Insulator-Superfluid Junctions” , Ippei Danshita , Nobuhiko Yokoshi, and Susumu Kurihara, New Journal of Physics 8 , 44 (2006) [19 pages]. arXiv:cond-mat/0402558 [cond-mat.other].
“Collective excitations of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential” , Ippei Danshita , Kyota Egawa, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, and Susumu Kurihara, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74 , 3279 (2005) [7 pages]. arXiv:cond-mat/0508027 [cond-mat.other].
“Bogoliubov excitations in a Kronig-Penney potential” , Ippei Danshita , Susumu Kurihara, and Shunji Tsuchiya, Physical Review A 72 , 053611 (2005) [9 pages]. arXiv:cond-mat/0506266 [cond-mat.other].
"Observation of slow relaxation due to Hilbert space fragmentation in strongly interacting Bose-Hubbard chains", Kantaro Honda, Yosuke Takasu, Shimpei Goto, Hironori Kazuta, Masaya Kunimi, and Ippei Danshita , and Yoshiro Takahashi, arXiv:2502.02959 [cond-mat.quant-gas].
“Bose-Bose mixtures in an optical lattice: First-order superfluid-insulator transition and elementary excitations”, Takeshi Ozaki, Ippei Danshita , and Tetsuro Nikuni, arXiv:1210.1370 (2012) [cond-mat.quant-gas].